Warning Lights on Tubular Markers

The Impact of a Number

In the News, January 11, 2017


The Webster dictionary defines the word number as “a word or symbol that represents a specific amount or quantity.”

Let’s face it, even if you hate math, numbers are a great thing. They help us count, sort, organize, work, and so on. I know that the numbers “5:30” describe my wake up call. The numbers “$19.99” represent the price of the new Luke Bryan album I just purchased on ITunes. While these numbers may seem irrelevant to you, some numbers can create more of an impact. The work zone traffic statistics numbers below represent more than just a price tag or an alarm clock, they represent the reality of dangers in a work zone. They represent the lives of mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, friends, and loved ones. If we don’t pay attention, these numbers could represent me, or you.


The average amount of work zone fatalities per year


The average amount of people injured as a result of motor vehicle crashes in work zones

$4.4 billion

The annual cost of work zone accidents

45 mph

The benchmark speed for driving in a construction zone


The number of states that will double fines for speeding or other traffic violations in a work zone

These work zone traffic statistics numbers need to change, and can change, with a little help from the general public. It is time to put our phones away while we are driving. It is time to slow down when we see those cones and warning signs telling us there is upcoming construction. It is time to remember that those 10 construction workers and 2 flaggers are not just numbers, but people who deserve to go home safe. 733 … let’s reduce that number.

“Injuries and Fatalities Unfortunately Do Happen.” National Safety Council. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Sept. 2016.

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